Voice over Internet Protocol: Hosted telephone services

Welcome to the world of Voice over Internet Protocol
The fact that you’re reading this blog post can mean only one thing; that you’re interested in learning more about VoIP [ Voice over internet protocol ]. Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the world of VoIP, and to guide you through some of the details you really should know…

Voice over Internet Protocol

What is VoIP and how does it work?

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a telephone service that is hosted online. Unlike a landline, which relies on a series of wires, cables, and exchanges in order to connect one caller to another, VoIP is hosted entirely online. All communication, including voice and multimedia, is digitalised, and then sent between receivers via the Internet. It really couldn’t be simpler. Indeed, switching to such a system makes a lot of sense for many businesses.

Top reasons to change to a hosted VoIP phone system

There are numerous reasons you might want to change to a hosted VoIP phone system, including cost, clarity, and ease of use. Listed below are some of the advantages you could enjoy with VoIP:

–       A quality connection

–       Reduction in bills, rather than service

–       Scalability and flexibility

–       An efficient service hosted online

–       Reduction in hardware and maintenance

–       Opportunities for remote working

–       Service supported by mobile technology

–       Support whenever you need it

–       Secure and reliable service

Even one of these benefits is likely to revolutionise the way you do business. Please visit this blog post for details of the cost-saving advantages of VoIP. For an in-depth look at the benefits of VoIP, try this blog post for size.

What do I need to make the switch?

The answer to this question will depend upon the size of your business. Home-based businesses and smaller establishments may get away with very little alteration at all. Indeed, a broadband Internet service, telephone adaptor, and sufficient bandwidth are often all you’ll require. Larger businesses may require a larger expenditure before they start to notice the savings. Specialist handsets, or adaptors, will be required to connect each employee to the VoIP phone system. Many businesses, including those residing in call centres, choose to communicate with softphone software. These can be installed on each employee’s computer. You’ll always want to increase your Internet’s bandwidth, and check the cost of the packages available to you.

We will always make sure that we understand your business’s needs in order to connect you with the right package. You’ll always know what the switch is likely to cost you in advance.

What happens next?

To learn more about Voice over internet protocol, your next step is to contact us. Any of our team members would be happy to discuss your telecommunication needs with you. Indeed, there are a variety of ways that VoIP services could work for, and benefit you. You’ll never know how good our products and services are until you take that leap to find out more.

If you’re new to the concept of VoIP and its related technology I’d recommend reading this blog post. Our very own jargon buster, the blog post discusses all of the terms you may have come into contact with – and deciphers them for you. It’s essential you understand exactly what kind of technology you’re looking into, after all.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.
