Cloud phone systems for businesses with multiple offices

Happy New Year to all Voxcloud customers, old and new. We do hope that your businesses continue to flourish in 2017, with us at your side. While our services are for businesses of any size, those with multiple offices are likely to feel the benefits of cloud phone systems more than most. You see, while managing an office can be difficult, overseeing several might seem impossible. At times you may feel frustrated by a supposed lack of communication between departments. During others you might worry about keeping track of your employees and contractors. Whatever your concern know that we’re here to help, with a phone system that will unify your workforce.

Cloud phone systems for businesses with multiple offices

Whether you’re considering expansion or to increase continuity between locations, now may be the time to consider a cloud phone system. For the benefits of such a system, let’s look to the five Cs…


Cloud phone systems connect office staff and remote workers at multiple locations via a single means of communication. It’s a service that’s accessible across locations. This enables workers to transfer, answer, and make calls as if they’re based in the same office, increasing productivity. Your business will remain, quite simply, connected at all times.


Cloud phone systems are the ultimate convenience for business with multiple offices. It provides a single service that accessible by everyone, after all. Secure and reliable, with guaranteed line clarity and a quick and easy set up, such systems are updatable from anywhere, and at any time. This ensures that your business is always at the top of its game, without repeated consultations or a technician at every location.


Using a single cloud phone system across your business’s branches provides continuity. Such a service enables employees and contractors to use their profile and address book regardless of where they are. This is ideal for workers travelling between sites, and those based further afield. Above all, such a phone system will enable your business to operate as a single entity, and not as a series of fractured departments that struggle to communicate. Besides, continuity is refreshing for businesses and reassuring for customers. Your reputation hinges on its ability to communicate clearly and effectively.


Voxcloud’s cloud phone system provides a wealth of features at your fingertips for a price that will suit your business and budget. We’re in the habit of cutting costs, not corners. Our services are contract-free, as well as being secure and reliable. This means that you’re in control at all times, and can keep track of your spending. Cloud phone systems will also reduce your company’s carbon footprint, and its associated costs.


Voxcloud’s scalable cloud phone systems will give your business a little more certainty in a world that’s always changing. Once you get used to the system there’s no need for you to change a thing. Extra handsets and lines, which will become necessary as your business grows, are easy to add. Meanwhile, there’s no need for extra training or maintenance. This means that you’re free to focus on the matters that deserve your attention, as your business expands and flourishes.

If you would like to find out more about our service please call 0333 002 0000 or email Our team members can guide you on how to best link multiple offices with cloud phone systems.
