7 Super Habits Of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs

If you’re hoping that 2016 will be your most successful year yet, or simply want to discover a few new ‘good’ habits to help you on your way, you’re in luck; these seven gems should get you started. After all, allowing yourself to be inspired by the successful entrepreneurs that have gone before you is one of the very best ways of finding your own way in the business world.

7 Super Habits Of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs

7 Super Habits Of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs Click To Tweet

1. They set themselves achievable goals

Dashing around, attempting to complete four jobs at once, isn’t multitasking – It’s madness. You may think that you’re being productive by setting multiple jobs in motion, but you’re actually achieving the opposite. In business, it’s a great idea to set goals, rather than wishes; write a list if you must, but ensure that each point is achievable and realistic.

2. They take time for themselves

Contrary to popular belief that the super-successful live, breathe, eat, and sleep their business, those who excel the most are actually far more comfortable away from the desk. Whether you enjoy going to the gym, spending time with your family, or being creative, ensuring that you spend time on indulging your passions is vital; burning out is never any good for your health, or for your company.

3. They find a routine that works for them – and stick to it

Whether it’s going to bed at the same time each evening and rising early, heading to the gym on certain days, or timing how long it takes you to get jobs done it’s always a good idea to formulate a routine. This will enable you to monitor what’s been done and what needs completing, as well as knowing how much time you have for unexpected tasks and leisure activities. Getting used to a routine can also put you in a great business frame of mind; routine breeds productivity.

4. They never forget a face

Taking the time to network, remembering those that have helped you, and filling your address book with useful contacts is a fantastic way to make a success of your business. There is an old saying that you should always remember those who help you on your way up, and that’s absolutely key in business; network, be prepared to navigate social media, and always reply to your emails!

5. They don’t take anything for granted

Wealth, success, and recognition are truly attainable if you’re prepared to put in the hard work, but they can also be gone in a heartbeat if you’re not careful. Successful entrepreneurs tend to appreciate everything that they’ve got, they don’t live outside of their means, and they look for ways to help others. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with a few indulgences here and there, but try to remember, and recognise, what it’s taken you to get this far.

6. They never stop learning

You can never afford to get complacent when it comes to business, and the most successful entrepreneurs are always prepared to learn more; never stop reading, never stop asking questions, and never stop listening to those around you. Absorb everything you see and hear, as you never know when such information will come in handy…

7. They avoid procrastination

There’s a big difference between taking time for yourself and procrastinating. One is a great way to relax and unwind after a working day, and the other is that sneaky game of Candy Crush you play when you should be prepping for a meeting. Knowing the difference is integral to business, as is being strong enough to put your phone in a drawer until you’re done.

Above all, successful entrepreneurs have got to where they are by never giving up. Whether you’re experiencing a high or low always remember your goals, be grateful for all that you have, and always, always, be prepared to learn from your mistakes. If you have super habits of your own that you’re happy to share please list them in the comments section below – inspire others with your successes and they’re sure to follow suit.

Happy New Year!
