10 Tips You Need to Adopt to be Super Productive

How many times have you come to the end of a shift, or a working week, and uttered those immortal words, “There just aren’t enough hours in the day”? You see, it doesn’t seem to matter how productive you think you’re being, or how many tasks you’ve completed, there’s always going to be something you’re missing – or is there? Even in our most productive moments we’re not always maximising our time, but merely redistributing it. Here are my top ten tips for being not just productive, but super productive. You’re welcome!

10 Tips You Need to Adopt to be Super Productive

10 Tips You Need to Adopt to be Super Productive Click To Tweet

1. Think big

It’s all very well promising yourself that you’ll get all of those little jobs done, but thinking big, and setting yourself larger goals, is proven to release more energy. Instead of opting to complete a smaller number of projects make it your aim to finish fewer bigger ones, and really get on top of that workload.

2. De-clutter your desk

Clutter stands shoulder to shoulder with procrastination as one of the biggest killers of productivity. Working amongst rubbish and reams of paper you no longer need will never be conducive to time well spent, so spend all the time you need on clearing your desk, de-cluttering your office, or tidying your cubicle. Yes, it may take time, but you’ll feel a sudden weight lift from your shoulders, and a new incentive to work.

3. Banish distractions

Now that the clutter has gone you only have one foe standing in your way; procrastination. You’re supposed to be typing up a hugely important report, responding to emails, and scheduling meetings, but one of your friends has just sent you a picture of their new puppy… NO! Put your phone in your desk drawer and lock it away until lunchtime, log out of social media until you get home, and promise yourself that you’ll answer work emails in priority order. Now is the time to be harsh with your habits.

4. Take a break

Taking a break may seem like the last thing you want to do when you’ve got a lot to get done, but trust me; sometimes taking a breather, stepping away from a project, or even having a quick nap can do you the world of good. You see, slogging away at an assignment, or battling your way through emails may seem productive, but you’re doing yourself more harm than good. Take a break, get some fresh air, and tackle your workload with renewed energy, and productivity, in ten minutes.

5. Stop stalling

One of the biggest threats to your productivity, aside from distractions and clutter, is you. Forget the negative colleague that sits three cubicles away from you, chances are your biggest enemy is yourself; after all, how many times have you had a great idea only to talk yourself out of it ten minutes later? If you’ve had that one perfect idea run with it, and stop waiting for other people to give you their approval.

6. Avoid negativity

While that one negative person may not be your biggest office enemy there’s a chance that their attitude will sap your energy eventually. If nothing you do impresses them, your words seem to fall on deaf ears, and you’re a little fed up of being questioned all the time, step away; their attitude is their problem not yours, and you’re doing a fantastic job.

7. Commit to a routine

It can be difficult to get into the mindset of being productive, particularly if you’re having one of those days when nothing seems to be happening very quickly. Minimise the risk of having an unproductive day by committing yourself to a routine; answer all bar the most urgent emails during the afternoon when you’re feeling refreshed and at your peak, aim to eat your lunch at around the same time every day, and get into a strict routine of bedtimes and wake ups. It’s a lot easier to sort your working day out if you know how it should be organised.

8. Learn when to say, “No”

Okay, so saying “yes” to projects is the best way to get them done, but does it always have to be you? Think about your workload for a minute and consider whether you actually have the time to complete yet another task. You’ve heard the saying, “jack of all trades, but master of none”? Saying yes to yet another job is much like that; you’ll have a lot of projects on the go, but none of them will be completed to any sort of standard.

9. Drink more water

Another tip that may make you query my sanity here, but… Keeping rehydrated is the best way to ensure you’re focused, on task, and, ultimately, that you finish everything that you’ve set yourself. It can be very easy to stay at your desk all day in the misguided assumption that you’re being useful, but a foggy head and sticky throat are no good to anyone. You’ll feel so much better if you simply have a little water.

10. Make lists, and stick to them

And finally… don’t just make a mental note of the things you need to do, but write a list and set about ticking jobs off. It’s much easier to be productive when you’re able to visualise what you’ve got left to do, so invest in some Post-It notes and a highlighter and get busy.

What are your top tips for being super productive? We’d love to hear them!
